Smart Cross-Border™
para empresas lideres

Brindamos asesoría especializada y soluciones únicas
para que pueda vender en todo el mundo
y superar con creces sus objetivos.

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Consiga clientes de todo el mundo
con una experiencia localizada

Llegue a más de 200 destinos de todo el mundo mediante una experiencia de compra fluida.

  • Precios en moneda local

    Let shoppers browse and buy in their local currency; more than 95 currencies supported.

  • Metodos de pago locales

    Allow shoppers to pay in their preferred local payment method; over 150 supported, from local credit cards and e-payments to open invoices.

  • Cálculo de tasas y aranceles

    Prevent unpleasant surprises upon delivery; allow shoppers to view and prepay all duties and taxes at checkout.

  • Varias opciones de envío

    Offer a variety of attractively-priced international shipping rates and multiple service levels.

  • Portal práctico para devoluciones

    Transparent and easy returns process; pre-paid returns and local returns from 30 worldwide destinations.

  • Bienvenida y pago personalizados

    Customizable welcome pop-up to support your key marketing messages and localized checkout process, both available in 30+ languages.

Precios en moneda local

Let shoppers browse and buy in their local currency; more than 95 currencies supported.

Metodos de pago locales

Allow shoppers to pay in their preferred local payment method; over 150 supported, from local credit cards and e-payments to open invoices.

Cálculo de tasas y aranceles

Prevent unpleasant surprises upon delivery; allow shoppers to view and prepay all duties and taxes at checkout.

Varias opciones de envío

Offer a variety of attractively-priced international shipping rates and multiple service levels.

Portal práctico para devoluciones

Transparent and easy returns process; pre-paid returns and local returns from 30 worldwide destinations.

Bienvenida y pago personalizados

Customizable welcome pop-up to support your key marketing messages and localized checkout process, both available in 30+ languages.

Sin fronteras; sin complicaciones

Expansión global simplificada

Global-e removes many complexities involved in cross-border selling. We handle fraud hazards, currency fluctuation, VAT and distance selling regulation compliance, as well as country restrictions and import processing. Global-e's platform is fully compliant with the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and DPA (Data Protection Act) to ensure that all systems and data are stored safely and securely.

Operaciones internacionales optimizadas

Global-e’s end-to-end streamlined operations cover everything you need to sell globally including international shipping, customs, customer service and returns. By taking care of all aspects of cross-border ecommerce, we make selling internationally as simple as selling domestically.

Novedades sobre la industria

Stay ahead of constant changes in the dynamic cross-border ecommerce market, from import regulations to shifting local shopping preferences and notable local market trends. Global-e’s team of experts makes sure your international store is always current and fully compliant with all changes, so our knowledge becomes your profit.

Smart Insights™ =
más conversiones

Todas nuestras soluciones se basan en el amplio conocimiento que tenemos sobre el mercado, es decir, Smart Insights™. Podemos recopilar toda esa información gracias a nuestra dilatada experiencia en el mundo del comercio electrónico y la integramos en el proceso de compra para que pueda optimizar las tasas de conversión en todos los mercados.

Allowing shoppers to pay with local payment methods (e.g. Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay) has been shown to contribute to increased conversion

Offering competitively priced shipping options has been shown to contribute to increased conversion

Including duties and taxes in the product price has been shown to contribute to increased conversion

Global-e ha sido un aliado incondicional durante estos últimos tres años y nos ha ayudado a mejorar significativamente nuestras ventas internacionales por internet. Su combinación de tecnología avanzada de localización, experiencia transfronteriza y conocimiento de los mercados locales nos permite responder de forma flexible a las distintas condiciones, normativas y preferencias de los consumidores.

Debbie Havekin, directora de Comercio Electrónico Internacional en M&S

Personalización inteligente

Haga que los precios, los pagos y las opciones de envío estén en línea con las necesidades y las metas de su empresa.

Precios locales

Customized rounding rules and local pricing from fixed RRPs to category coefficients.

Tasas e impuestos

Next-level local tax and duties calculation, customized to increase conversion rates.

Precios fijos

Keep your online pricing aligned with your local stores and franchises.

Asesoría a medida
para obtener mejores resultados

en integración

Short integration process, managed by our technical experts to ensure a seamless implementation with your existing ecommerce platform.


Ongoing reporting, market insights and support in key decision making to constantly optimize and improve your international results.

Conquiste el mundo

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